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Course Catalogues

Basic freedoms and basic rights within the EU – Michael Vetter

Monday, 8.30 a.m. – 10.00 a.m., weekly
Starting 24.10.2022 – 30.01.2023

The class will introduce students to the fundamental freedoms and basic rights of the EU.
The first part of the semester will deal with the four fundamental freedoms of the EU, the
second half with the basic rights within the EU. The students will also learn how the
evaluation of a case in European Law works from the perspective of a lawyer.
In order to attend the course, students need to command basic knowledge in the field of EU

European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World - Dr. Jörg Waldmann

Tuesday, 10.30. a.m. – noon, weekly
Starting 18.10.2022 – 31.01.2023

The European Union, representing more than 500 million citizens and the world's largest
internal market, is acknowledged as an economic superpower. European Institutions
conduct a tremendous number of external policies and assemble a large range of
competencies to do so. However, the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP),
incorporated into the integration process by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, has to be
perceived as a latecomer. Since most CFSP provisions are related to intergovernmental
decision-making, many scholars doubt that a coherent foreign policy will ever be possible.

This class, though, will put particular emphasis on CFSP and the accompanying Common
Security and Defence Policy (CSDF). The historic developments and achievements have to be
addressed as well as current problems and shortcomings in this policy area. After analysing
and assessing CFSP polity, policy and politics we will explore how Europeanization affected
and affects Member States. Selected national foreign policies and their contribution to CFSP
have to be compared in this second block.
Active participation requires a full set of reading notes for all assigned texts and the
presentation of one of the assigned texts for class discussion.

The EU as an Actor in Global Governance - Dr. Jörg Waldmann

Tuesday, 2.30. p.m. – 4.00 p.m., weekly
Starting 18.10.2022 – 31.01.2023

Beyond its policies covered by the CFSP umbrella the European Union is a major actor in
different fora of global governance. How can we sketch EU's actorness in global politics?
What is formative on Europe's democratic agenda? Beside these introducing questions the
class intends to investigate and assess more civilian external policies of the EU. Special
emphasis will be put on the Union's contribution to global environmental governance and
climate change regimes or EU's development policy.

Democracy in the EU – Prof. Dr. Thomas Winzen

Wednesday, 10.30 a.m. – noon, weekly
Starting 19.10.2022 – 01.02.2023

This seminar introduces academic and political debates about democracy in the European
Union. Does the European Union suffer from a democratic deficit or even an autocratic
surplus? Do democratic institutions and procedures, such as direct elections to the European
Parliament, improve democratic quality in the European Union? This seminar will examine
whether the European Union has a positive or negative effect on democracy in the member
states and countries in its neighbourhood.

Master Forum European Studies - Prof. Dr. Thomas Winzen, Dr. Jörg Waldmann

Wednesday, 2.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m., weekly
Starting 19.10.2022 – 01.02.2023

This weekly master forum supports students in conducting the master meeting and
writing their master theses. Topics include a) the development of research projects, b) the
presentation of papers relating to the thesis, c) comments on paper presentations by
fellow students, d) group discussions on the papers and related issues. In addition, the
master forum offers a regular platform for discussing issues and problems relevant to the
course of study, including students' feedback an evaluation the master programme.

Civilizing Impacts of European Integration - Dr. Jörg Waldmann

Thursday, 10.30 a.m. – noon, weekly
Starting 20.10.2022 – 02.02.2023

The multi-layered processes of European cooperation and integration constituted an area of
peace and security. The use of violence between European states participating in theseintegration projects seems to be unthinkable today. How does political theory explain this
phenomenon? What is crucial about the functionalistic idea of a ‘working peace'? And - can
Europe serve as a role model for other regions in the world?
The class aims to provide students with appropriate scientific expertise to answer these
questions, or, at least, to come close to a suitable and satisfying answer. Based on Dieter
Senghaas' Civilisational Hexagon different aspects of integration will be analysed in order to
understand how Europeanization changed conflict management and generated new
normative standards.

The Economics of European Integration – Lisa Hamelmann

Thursday, 12.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m., weekly
Starting 20.10.2022 – 02.02.2023

The Economics of European Integration is the core economics course in the Master's
programme in European Studies. This course provides the theoretical background for what
students learned in their first year's course The European Economy: The Crux of European
Integration. Students will be introduced to basic micro- and macroeconomic tools needed to
deepen their understanding of key economic drivers of European integration.

Europe: A History of Conflict and Cooperation - Dr. Oliver Hermann Kiechle

Friday, 04.11.2022, 08.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Saturday, 26.11.2022, 08.30 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Sunday, 27.11.2022, 08.30 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Concentrating on European history from the French Revolution onwards, it is the aim of the
seminar to show how this continent has been torn apart over centuries by several conflicts,
either national, religious or ideological.
At the same time there always have been developed ideas for a peaceful cooperation in
Europe - ideas that slowly became reality in the second half of the 20th century.
The seminar is based on the discussion about assigned readings from the relevant academic
literature, students are therefore expected to prepare a presentation to have a basis for

Language courses


For German language placement and course selection, please attend the placement test on
Monday, October 17 th .

Responsible for the content: European Studies : Contact by e-mail