Guidelines for Examinations
Guidelines for examinations
Oral examinations
What to do in case of illness before or during an oral examination?
Written examinations / team research reports
How to write a team research report
Written examinations / MA thesis
Guideline for writing a Master thesis in the European Studies Master Programme
Formalities of a Master thesis
Instruction for submitting a Master thesis
Written examinations / general guidelines
Further regulations
Examination rules in study programmes at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Weighting of examination grades for the final grade of the master degree
- first oral examination 1/7
- second oral examination 1/7
- team project 2/7
- master thesis 3/7
Calculating the final grade of the master degree
The arithmetic average of the individual examinations will be calculated according to their weight described above. The result will not be rounded and only the first decimal will be considered to determine the final grade.
Evaluation of your final grade:
- up to 1,5: very good (sehr gut)
- 1,6 to 2,5: good (gut)
- 2,6 to 3,5: satisfactory (befriedigend)
- 3,6 to 4,0: sufficient (ausreichend)