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Study in Düsseldorf

Study in Duesseldorf

Welcome to Düsseldorf and the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf!

Living abroad and studying at a different university in a foreign environment can be quite an adventure. It can also prove to be very challenging. The Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and the European Studies team will do their best to make your stay here as rewarding and pleasant as possible.The following topics shall help you to receive some orientation about living and studying in Düsseldorf.

University Guide for International Students

undefinedStudy-Guide HHU

This booklet provides information not only required prior to coming to Düsseldorf, but is useful after arrival on campus. It focuses on practical matters such as the structure of studies, admission policies, degree programmes, residence permits, accomodation and other essential details. In addition, it describes life in the capital of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, a lively city in an interesting region.


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